You arrive at Catena Zapatathrough a straight path bordered by big beautiful trees and verbose, extensive vineyards that don´t seem to have an end. As if a curtain, the Andes drape over the scenery in the background with their tall, grand and stunning snow-capped peaks. Then, at the end of the path, you see the winery building, unexpected and impactful. Nicolas Catena´s 105 hectors of property is now run by the the third generation of winemakers in Agrelo, Luján de Cuyo.
Inaugurated in 2001, the winery is a species of pyramid like those of the Mayans, constructed with local rocks of the Mendocinian Andes mountains. Part of them were ground up and transformed into a yellowish powder to make the natural stucco. Using the wood of the indigenous trees, like the poplar, lapachos, willows and vines, they constructed enormous and solid doors and furniture. As much on the outside as on the inside, they share and interchange contrasting textures: tall slab walls over floors of travertine marble, rocks carefully encrusted in front of suavely polished surfaces , bright stainless steel versus rustic stucco, and the emphatic yellow tone combined with other more neutral colors – all working together to provide a potent impact on the guests.
In the center of the pyramid, there is a circular stairway that culminates in a cone-shaped skylight of glass where the sunlight enters through dark corners. From the terrace above you can see the entire view – the diagonal plantations, and the vines placed in the way to obtain the most exposure to sunlight. The Mayan temples that were constructed to honor the gods, in Catena Zapata produce great quality wines using the most modern technology.